

4580 Uppsatser om Education ideals - Sida 1 av 306

En enkätundersökning om kroppsideal bland elever i årskurs 9

According to the core contents in the curriculum for the compulsory school 2011 for the subject Physical Education grades 7-9, teachers of the subjects shall give their students knowledge about body ideals within sports, and the society as a whole. The purpose of this study was to examine and analyze the attitude toward body ideals of the students soon to leave secondary school. The study was based on a quantitative survey with 70 participating students from three different schools. The results show that the schools, according to the students, do not inform the students about body ideals. However, the result shows that the students consider body ideals as an important topic that needs to be dealt with in school, since they consider the adolescences of today are living with a pressure telling them what to look like.

Heja Hemmalaget!! : En studie av objektivitet inom lokal sportjournalistik

Within the journalistic profession lays a commonly accepted normative view stating that objectivity is an ideal to seek. The aim of this bachelor is to study Swedish sportswriters on local newspaper and their views of journalistic objectivity, and themselves in comparison to the traditional ideals. We want to study how local sportswriter work against their ideal and if factors like age and education affect their view of themselves and ther ideal.We have done eight semistructured deepinterviews that all build on theories and studies of the traditional ideal of journalists. The interviewed are all sportreporters, at four different newspapers. We have done active selection of participants based on age and education.

Folkbildning i förändring? En studie kring ABF:s och IOGT/NBV:s folkbildning från år 1894-1999.

The aim of this thesis is to see if adult education have changed in educational association of the Swedish Labour Movement ABF, and the temperance movement IOGT/NBV. We have chosen to study five periods and analyse these after four ideal of education. These are the ideals of self-education, polytechnic education, neo-classic character-moulding education, and citizenship education. We have studied the reports of the activities of the organisations during the years and the writings of anniversary. The analysis shows that the two popular movements have gone from an adult education where the ideal of citizenship education to an ideal of neo-classic character-moulding education was dominating.

En annan värld kan bli möjlig : En studie om ABF:s bildningsideal i det mångkulturella samhället

The purpose of this paper is to investigate, analyse and interpret the educational ideals of the ABF (Workers Educational Association) as they are understood by five members within ABF. The paper also examines how the educational ideals are represented in the national guidelines and statues of the ABF. The basic theoretical perspectives are intercultural theory and theories about Bildung and adult liberal education in a multi-cultural pedagogical environment presented by Bernt Gustavsson and Hans Lorentz respectively.The empirical study consists of five semi-structured interviews and a text study of the official documents of the ABF. The data is interpreted with hermeneutic and semiotic tools. Organisational theory focusing on organizational culture has also contributed to the study.The result of the study, when analysed in accordance to the methods, shows mainly four things.

Pojkars läslust : en studie av hur pojkar uppfattar och uttrycker sitt intresse för läsning

Health and fitness are two controversial and not easily defined topics that affect people in our modern society every day. We believe that we can find a link between individualism, globalization and the stress concerning weight and appearance ideals. Our bodies have turned into a popular subject for the media, and there is no indication that the interest will decline. As the world gets more artificial, "natural" ideals are getting more attention, such as the concept of a strong and healthy body. But there is also a downside, for example with health issues such as cardiovascular disease increasing following the birth of high-fat diets.

En godnattsaga för demokratin? En undersökning av ett läsfrämjande projekt i facklig regi

The purpose of this master thesis is to show how a chosen actor in form of the Swedish union organization IF Metall (the Swedish union for metal- and industrial workers) works with pro-reading activities. The project being scrutinized is the Read to me dad-project which aims at fathers who are not used to reading activities within the LO-group (the Swedish Trade Union Confederation). The methods used are interviews and literary studies. The theoretical background of my discussion is based on three Education ideals. The neo-humanist ideal emphasizes the personal improvement through literature.

Punken 28 år senare : Vad innebär punken idag för några punkare i Linköping?

The purpose of this essay is to investigate what it means to be a punk in Linköping, Sweden today. This is done by interviewing four informants on a number of topics. The topics being discussed are appearance and values. The topics ?values? contains a number of sub-topics, but the emphasis is put on D.I.Y-ideals and equality.D.I.Y-ideals (Do It Yourself-ideals) are important.

Kärnfamiljens status : En studie om kärnfamiljens status som ideal och norm i familjerättssekreterares arbete med familjer

In Nuclear family as status Dennis Wijk examines if and how the nuclear family ideals and norms permeates family law secretaries work with families. The aim of the study is to investigate if the nuclear family has the status of ideals and norms in the family law secretaries practice. In order to achieve the aim of conducted four interviews with family law secretaries in Stockholm city. The interviews have been the main data collection. Theoretical concepts which are central in the study are: the nuclear family, institution, ideals, standards, and established and outsiders.

Hur framställs hälsa i media? : En diskursanalys av Aftonbladet, Tara och Iform.

Health and fitness are two controversial and not easily defined topics that affect people in our modern society every day. We believe that we can find a link between individualism, globalization and the stress concerning weight and appearance ideals. Our bodies have turned into a popular subject for the media, and there is no indication that the interest will decline. As the world gets more artificial, "natural" ideals are getting more attention, such as the concept of a strong and healthy body. But there is also a downside, for example with health issues such as cardiovascular disease increasing following the birth of high-fat diets.

?? kulturrådsböckerna är ju inte sådana som det står 10 människor i kö på.? ? en undersökning av filialbibliotekariers förhållningssätt till litteraturstödda titlar

The purpose of this paper is to explore branch librarians? ideals for mediating fiction and their view on the literature that are distributed by the Swedish Arts council. The study is based on the following questions: How do branch librarians reflect about mediating fiction? How do they express their view and their work with literature that are distributed by the Swedish Arts council? And which ideals of mediating can be distinguished from these expressions? To answer these questions a qualitative examination based on interviews with four branch librarians where used. The empiric material where then analysed by Jofrid Karner Smidt?s theory about different ideals for mediating fiction.

En ny forntid? : ? förändringar i basutställningar om forntiden 1972-2005

The purpose with this thesis is to study how the arranging of archaeological objects in permanent exhibitions has changed over time. To find out about this I have been analysing three museums with prehistorical permanent exhibitions. The exhibition at Statens Historiska museum was produced in 2005, Nationalmuseum in Köpenhamn was produced in 1972 with additions from 1988 and 1995 and, finally, Malmö Museer exhibition which was produced in 1977. These exhibitions have been compared to analyse developments during the last 30 years. The result shows that there are different ideals within the exhibitions.

Medborgarförslag - ett sätt att stärka demokratin? En ideologianalys med kommunalt fokus

This thesis aims at analysing conflicts between different ideals of democracy, using the example of a newly implemented citizen´s initiative reform. This reform gives citizens the right to make policy proposals to Swedish municipal councils. The proposals are to be handled in the same way as proposals from the municipal council members. An ideology analysis of various government documents as well as of an official state study (SOU) is carried out to identify and discuss the ideals of democracy that underpin the reform. The analysis is based on participatory democracy and electoral democracy theory and Arnstein's Eight Rungs on the Ladder of Citizen Participation is used to discuss different types of participation by the citizens.

Unga vuxna inför samhällets dubbla budskap : Studenters uppfattningar om hälsa, övervikt, dieter, skönhetsideal i relation tillidentitet och självkänsla.

The purpose of this study is to compare students (both male and female), from the Linnaeus University in Kalmar, about their perceptions with a particular focus on identity and self-esteem. In regards to the current societal problem concerning obesity and beauty ideals, this paper aimed to study the student?s opinions concerning health and diets in order to fully answer the purpose of the study. The theory used in this paper is in particular regards to identity and self-esteem. In order to answer the study questions, a qualitative approach was conducted in the form of various focus groups.

Eudaimonia! : Martha Nussbaums aristoteliska försvar för en reformering av högre utbildning

This essay aims to examine Martha Nussbaum's proposal for a classical defense of reform in liberal education and her critique of utility thinking in higher education. I want to explore how Nussbaum uses history to create an ethical alternative that cultivates both moral and intellectual virtues, which she considers to be crucial for the survival of democracy. In examining Nussbaum's use of Aristotle, I focus on her work as a proposal for institutional implementation of an Aristotelian epistemology and the cultivation of the individual as an ethical political subject. This study highlights the epistemological, educational and political ideas that form the basis of Nussbaum's ideals. I intend, however, to go beyond a contextualizing reading and thus establish a dialogue with a radical intersubjectivity to respond to Nussbaum's ambitions to recognize human vulnerabilities as assets for reason.

Det vi vet när vi glömt allt vi lärt oss : den politiska debatten om utbildning för nyanlända elever på 1970-talet och 2000-talet

The purpose of the present paper is to examine the political debate on the education of newly arrived immigrant pupils at secondary school age. The following issues are under scrutiny:What are the goals, expressed by politicians during the examined periods, for the education of newly arrived pupils?What ideas about education and what educational ideals can be observed in the political debate on the education of newly arrived pupils?Has there been any change, during the examined period, in the policy debate on the education of newly arrived pupils?The research material consists of reports and statements of the Education Committee, as well as a number of parliamentary protocols. Two five-year periods, 1971-1975 and 2006-2010, are studied and compared. All in all, the material consists of 23 documents issued during these periods.

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